Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TMC) treatment that involves inserting needles into precise spots on the skin to treat illnesses. It is a minimally intrusive approach to stimulate nerve-rich areas of the skin surface to influence tissues, glands, organs, and numerous body processes.
Each acupuncture needle causes a tiny puncture at the insertion site, and while it’s minor enough to cause little to no discomfort, the body responds to the microscopic injury. Read on to learn more about how acupuncture works and where to find the best TCM therapy in Toronto, Downtown.
How It Works: Understanding the Acupuncture Philosophy
Acupuncture’s Chinese philosophy is a little more convoluted, suggesting that health is the consequence of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of the life energy known as “qi,” pronounced “chi.” Illnesses arise when the qi is blocked or insufficient.
While it may seem like it at first, the concept of qi isn’t too far-fetched when you consider your body’s natural inner workings. When you’re stressed or anxious, you’re more prone to disease. When you’re at ease and in good health, your body reflects that. After all, your emotions, mental health, and overall well-being all have an impact on your physical health. As a result, acupuncture tries to help people achieve equilibrium or qi, providing relief for various diseases.
Qi is thought to flow through the human body’s meridians or passageways. These energy flows are available through the body’s 350 acupuncture sites. Inserting needles into these locations in the appropriate combinations is thought to restore correct energy flow. Multiple studies suggest that acupuncture can help with certain diseases.
Acupuncture has also been explained using neuroscience by some experts. Acupuncture points are thought to be locations where nerves, muscles, and connective tissue can be stimulated. The stimulation improves blood flow while also causing the body’s natural painkillers to activate.
Experience TCM Therapy in Ontario for Instant Relieve
TMC acupuncture can assist immune system stimulation, circulation, wound healing, and pain regulation. It is also a great option to treat chronic headaches and stress. If you are looking for professional TCM therapy in Ontario, consider Heal Flow Wellness Centre. We offer acupuncture, massage therapies, and anti-ageing and healing regime among other services. Get in touch with our TCM therapists in downtown Toronto to learn more.